Red White & Chocolate

As we're gearing up to celebrate our US veterans on Nov 11 (see previous blog post "Time to Serve Those Who Serve"), today we hosted a chocolate industry leader who is seeking to understand and illuminate the unique relationship between America and chocolate.

Karen Bryant, Executive Director of the Fine Chocolate Industry Association, is on a 2-month road trip across the US, investigating the people, companies and dynamics molding the US chocolate experience. She's writing a blog about her experience and a book, both entitled "Red, White & Chocolate."

We'll be following Karen (you should too!) as she asks questions such as what is "fine chocolate" and why does it cost more? What do “single origin,” “fair trade” and “sustainable” chocolate mean?

To get these answers and more, she is interviewing key industry leaders. This morning Karen sat down to interview our Founder and Chief Cacao Nut, Peter Moustakerski. We can't wait to find out how we informed her intellectual and geographic journey! Stay tuned...

Peter and Karen, making us all smarter (about chocolate).

Peter and Karen, making us all smarter (about chocolate).