Yuzu Basil Truffle

Late summer treat from Chef Christophe Toury: Yuzu Basil Truffle

Voila Chocolat works with ingredients that naturally have a short shelf life for the quality and purity. Our recipes consist of using fresh cream, milk, puree, and the most natural of ingredients as often as possible. When you taste our treats, you'll notice it's reflected in the taste and the texture.

Everything citrusy brings ultimate freshness and is a great way of cleaning your palate after a meal. Yuzu is on of Chef Toury's favorite citrus fruits. Yuzu is a Japanese citrus about the size of a small grapefruit with an intensely aromatic, flowery and unique lemony flavor. In order to make a more unique and one-of-a-kind flavor for his truffles, Chef Toury combines it with fresh basil. Basil has a spicy yet sweet pungent smell and the leaves may taste somewhat like anise. The fragrant sweetness of the basil balances out the darkness of the chocolate beautifully and the herbal earthiness blends with the very aromatic sour flavor seamlessly. The basil is a surprisingly pleasant unexpected flavor, and, unlike traditional mint, it doesn’t overpower and completely take over the truffle.

Intrigued? Come by and taste one or several for yourself. Better yet, we'll package up several and send you home with them to share.